So many things you can do with chocolate

In honour of Lynda Renham’s book launch


today’s post is all about chocolate!


I was thinking of all the lovely things you could do with chocolate and when I did some reasearch into this, I found that my imagination was pretty tame compared to that of others. How about styling your hair with chocolate? Or building a house from chocolate. My personal favourite was nail art with chocolate – really handy if you’re a nail biter!

Here’s the YouTube link for the top 10 things to do with chocolate.

Lynda is having a Facebook party today to celebrate her book launch  where she would love you to drop by. Click HERE to go direct to the party. There are prizes and fun all day long. 🙂

I am offering a free e-copy of my book United States of Love published by Harper Impulse. All you have to do is ‘Like’ my writer’s page by clicking the link on the right of this post, or clicking HERE, and send your ‘What I’d do with chocolate’ answer to where Lynda will pick a winner at random.

Good luck and enjoy a fun day with Lynda!

